June 30, 2020 - Russell



Anytime spent with the wonderful Olivia Winsome is time well spent and never long enough.

Having just spent the last few hours in her company, I have been mesmerised, exhilarated, listened to and felt as though I shared a wonderful conversation and experience…

She is beautiful and as alluring as her gallery suggests, she arrives for coffee with her trademark hat, a luxurious coat, with her knee-high boots just made for #winsomewalking.

All of this being the wrapping paper for the package underneath. In our messages to set up our date, I hinted that I was interested in red wine, a shiraz, with deep purple colours, a touch of blackcurrant and chocolate.

Who knew that could be so imaginatively turned into such a beautiful present for me as I unwrapped her when we finally got to our room.

I do hope to spend more time with Olivia, as any time with her is never enough

- Russell